22nd October, 2015
“Opening to Spirit Mediumship”
Dr. David Van Nuys Ph.D., aka ‘Dr. Dave’ interviews Suzanne Maiden M.A. (Transcribed from http://www.shrinkrapradio.com by Gloria Oelman)
Today my return guest is Suzanne Maiden M.A., a licensed professional counsellor in private practice whose struggle with cancer has triggered a profound spiritual opening. For more information about Suzanne Maiden, please see our show notes on www.shrinkrapradio.com
Now here’s today’s interview.
Dr. Dave: Suzanne Maiden welcome to Shrink Rap Radio. I should say welcome back to Shrink Rap Radio.
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, thank you, Dr. Dave it’s great to be back and I’m very excited about this particular show. So thank you.
Dr. Dave: Yeah, well you know I meant to go back and look up the show – the episode number – but I remember that I interviewed you, I think, quite a few years ago now, on snake dreams.
Suzanne Maiden: Right, that was a long time ago.
Dr. Dave: It was. I meant to look that up but if anybody’s interested they can find it on the site, since everything is there. You and I and your husband Robin we all met at a podcaster conference in the Los Angeles area in the early days of podcasting. Do you remember what year that was?
Suzanne Maiden: Wasn’t that early in the, ah… was it 2003 or 2004?
Dr. Dave: I have no idea. Well, it wouldn’t be that early because podcasting really didn’t get started until 2005. So it had to be, I thought, it might more likely to have have been 2005, 2006, 2007 somewhere in there.
Suzanne Maiden: Hm. Hm. Well you’re probably closer to it.
Dr. Dave: Yeah and we hit it off when we met at that big conference of lots of people with big egos and big dreams and big plans and somehow we had a real soul connection between the three of us I felt then and so its…
Suzanne Maiden: Thank you David, I would say that’s true.
Dr. Dave: Yeah and it’s kind of held up all these years even though we don’t see each other. I’ve seen Robin a couple of times when, as a pilot, he was travelling through San Francisco and so we got together once or twice and I always appreciated that. And you guys, you were at the conference because you had a wonderful Jungian oriented podcast called InsyteWorks.
Suzanne Maiden: We did have that show and I really enjoyed doing that show. That was a lot of fun and then we also had a stint with the podcast called The DivaCast.
Dr. Dave: Yes, I remember that. I didn’t remember the name but I remember that you and some other beautiful, vivacious women got together and shook it up.
Suzanne Maiden: (both laugh) We shook it up O.K. You know that was a really fun show. Very, very different platforms, right? InsyteWorks was, again like you noted, a show on Jungian concepts and perspectives and looking at life through the lens of that. The DivaCast was just kind of a crazy show with five, fun, fabulous women.
Dr. Dave: Yes and on InsytWorks you and Robin would dialogue and apply various Jungian ideas. You’d kind of explore them and also sometimes apply them to yourselves or to your relationship.
Suzanne Maiden: Well, we’d try David. We’re all a work in progress.
Dr. Dave: Right. It was courageous. You know one of the things I treasured about you is that once I remarked – I guess it was probably when I interviewed you before – and I remarked about feeling self-conscious about my voice having a kind of an airy quality and you said it was like hot chocolate on a cold morning and I’ll never forget that. I’ve held it very close to myself ever since then and no longer feel self conscious about that.
Suzanne Maiden: Well, you’ve a fabulous voice Dr. Dave and the reason that I would put it in the fabulous category is because it’s distinctive, right? And especially in this kind of venue, somebody doesn’t want to be lulled to sleep.
Dr. Dave: That’s for sure.
Suzanne Maiden: Right? So you have to have that, I mean I think it’s really imperative so, good on you. Your voice was made for this type of work. So we have to use our gifts, right?
Dr. Dave: Yes, indeed. So after your foray in podcasting – sometime after that you went to Pacifica which has a very Jungian graduate program and you got your MA there and I would think that was the perfect place for you having interviewed a number of folks who were either on the faculty there or who have been students there.
Suzanne Maiden: Wonderful, wonderful education I earned at Pacifica – wonderful. And you know Joseph Campbell was very influential in that setting. James Hillman, of course and obviously the work of C.G. Jung. But Hillman left all of his original writings to Pacifica.
Dr. Dave: Oh, no I wasn’t aware of that.
Suzanne Maiden: So we were very, very fortunate. I’m sorry I interrupted you, you were going to say something.
Dr. Dave: Hmm, I don’t remember it.
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, good, O.K. You won’t have to work too hard in this particular show David to keep me talking because I’m just very, very excited.
Dr. Dave: Yes, I know you are and before we get into that, you’ve been battling cancer for some time. What are you comfortable sharing about that?
Suzanne Maiden: Well, anything. I’m really kind of an open book. This is my third time battling cancer, it’s the same time, except this time I was diagnosed again in January of 2014 with metastatic sarcoma. So I have over a dozen – I have more than a dozen tumours. It’s kind of interesting the way my perspective has shifted. Before – the first time I had cancer – I would read all of my MRIs and CAT scan reports and really go over them with a fine tooth comb and now I have pages of MRI reports and I’m like ‘Huh, yeah,’ So I’ve got a tumour on the back of my heart and on my liver, on my left lower lobe, it’s kind of everywhere, so at this point Dr. Dave, it’s really interesting how my perspective has shifted because I’ve really got to get busy with what I’m here to do.
Dr. Dave: Hm, hmm. Yeah, well, I almost hesitated to say ‘battling.’ I know some people have argued that it’s maybe wrong to put it in those terms, that it’s kind of setting one’s self at conflict with something that’s going on within one’s self. I don’t know where you are on the language around this.
Suzanne Maiden: Right. I agree with you I choose not to use the word ‘battling.’ I’m trying to really think of it as shift. It’s a paradigm shift. I’m really trying to think of it as ‘loving the hell out of it.’
Dr. Dave: Okay. A challenge I’m sure but a good one. You know I followed you some on Facebook and I got the impression – and by the way you’re so fortunate to be blessed with so many friends that have offered you so much support. I saw lots of people from the podcaster community from back in the day and that was good to see. I got the impression that you had some powerful spiritual experiences during your love affair with cancer. (both laugh) What can you tell us about that?
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, so is this it? Is this the time? Is this my segue into my stuff?
Dr. Dave: It could be, or could not be. I’m wondering if it was a precursor into your stuff? We might as well get into your stuff, I guess, since you’ve raised…
Suzanne Maiden: Let’s go there; let’s just dig deeply into my stuff.
Dr. Dave: Yeah, this interview, I think, marks a kind of coming out for you, letting the world at large know that you’re a spirit medium. Do I have that right?
Suzanne Maiden: You do have that right. This is my debut and it’s really – on one hand it’s scary but on the other hand, David, I don’t know how much longer I have to live and I desperately want to have people witness my story.
Dr. Dave: Hm, hmm. Has the spiritual and mediumistic experiences that you’ve had made it easier to go through what you’ve been going through?
Suzanne Maiden: Yes. Absolutely. And you know I didn’t… By the way, I didn’t have, you know as… well let me just back up. You know that I’m a licenced clinician right? LPC – Licenced Professional Counsellor – I’m married to Robin who went through the Air Force Academy, number one in pilot training…
Dr. Dave: Wow, I didn’t know that!
Suzanne Maiden: Yeah, he got to pick, you know, his dream plane at the time which was the A-10 Warthog so and you know I was in the Military for four years, so on one hand I’ve had a very left brained type of life, right? So I’m traditionally trained in the world of academia. I’ve stayed with a Jungian analyst, my therapist, for fifteen years now. I work for an exceptional psychiatrist right now and still maintain an office at the practice.
Dr. Dave: Wow!
Suzanne Maiden: We have a year waiting list…
Dr. Dave: Oh, my goodness.
Suzanne Maiden: …to get patients in. So I work for the best of the best. If I were crazy, he would know it. (both laugh)
Dr. Dave: So is that your catastrophic expectation about coming out – “Oh, my God, people will think I’m crazy?”
Suzanne Maiden: Right, right. People will think I’m crazy. This work…
Dr. Dave: Probably people will, some might.
Suzanne Maiden: Right, right. In the western world, there are so many sceptics, which, by the way, I don’t blame them because there are many charlatans. This world is kind of a clearing house for people who choose to take advantage of people who are grieving, or compromised and all of that. I didn’t choose this, this really chose me.
Dr. Dave: Yeah, yeah. I’m a bit on the fence myself about the idea of spirit mediums but I totally believe in you and so I’m happy to provide a bit of a platform for you to share your experience. It’s hard for me sometimes to go beyond my own experience but as I was saying that to myself a little earlier this morning, I then remembered that I had a fairly powerful experience with a woman who I think described herself as a psychic rather than a spirit medium but when I first came into the room she told me several things about my questions that there’s no way she could have known. So I have to remind myself that I did have an experience there that is beyond the everyday ordinary reality.
Suzanne Maiden: Sure. Well good, I’m glad that you had that.
Dr. Dave: Yeah I’ve got a little chink of an opening. (both laugh)
Suzanne Maiden: I can work with your chinks, Dr. Dave, that’s good for me. Well first let me tell listeners… do you know the difference, do you understand there’s a big difference between a psychic and a medium?
Dr. Dave: Yeah, take us through that.
Suzanne Maiden: Okay, so you know we’re all psychic. We all have an intuitive sense of like “Oh, my gosh, I knew I shouldn’t have done a, b or c,” right? Think back.
Dr. Dave: Yeah, I believe that. I mean I’ve had experiences that I would call psychic, or synchronistic.
Suzanne Maiden: Right. Jung called it synchronicity but you know Jung himself was quite psychic and I don’t know if people realise that but he was very interested in this phenomenon. So everybody is psychic, everybody gets an inner knowing of things, a forewarning; “Gee I shouldn’t take that road, I should take this road and by God, I missed a horrific accident that I could’ve been involved in, had I not listened.” We all have experiences that we wish we would have paid attention, like; “Gosh, I knew I shouldn’t have done that, I knew it and I did it and it didn’t turn out well.” So that’s psychic – we all have that. Some people, by the way, are more developed at the psychic ability. A medium is someone who can mediate between this world and across the veil. Does that make sense?
Dr. Dave: Yeah, yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: Okay, so not every person who is psychic has mediumistic ability but every medium is also psychic.
Dr. Dave: Okay, yes. Yeah and I think of psychic abilities as being on some kind of a continuum, that some people are really low, some people are in the middle, some people are just born with a whole lot of it.
Suzanne Maiden: Well said. Right and you can think of it also as, for example, somebody who has a great musical gift, right? We can all perhaps learn how to play the piano but not everyone is going to be a concert pianist.
Dr. Dave: Right.
Suzanne Maiden: So that’s one way to think of it and by the way, David, I also want to say, you know, I am not putting myself out there as an expert in this field. I’m only here to say I’m an expert on my experience and that’s how I can feel that I can speak to this phenomenon.
Dr. Dave: Yeah. Now, can anybody develop these skills? Did you go through any sort of training, or did you come by it naturally – what can you tell us about that?
Suzanne Maiden: Yes and yes. Anyone can develop these skills whether or not… you know the jury is still out. I’ll say James Van Praagh, a very world renowned medium and psychic, he would say that, I think, I think he would say this, I don’t want to misquote him, but he would say that most people can develop their psychic abilities. Not everybody has the ability to become a medium. I think the best mediums are the ones who are born with it. I’ve always been psychic and I’ve always known that, I’ve always had more than an average gift. I did not have this ability until six months before I was diagnosed with metastatic sarcoma. So something really blew open in me almost as if to prep me for “Look you’re going to have a really tough time of things but we’re going to show you that you need not be afraid.”
Dr. Dave: Uh, huh.
Suzanne Maiden: Yeah. So…
Dr. Dave: Can you say anything more about that experience? I assume that was last year?
Suzanne Maiden: Yes. Well I’ve only had this ability for about two years, Dr. Dave, so again I’m no expert, only an expert on me. So before I was diagnosed with metastatic sarcoma I went to – something nudged me – to go get some training, I don’t know why. And I said “yes.” So I went to go get training with James Van Praagh and Mavis Pittilla at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. Are you familiar with Omega?
Dr. Dave: Yes, I’ve heard of it quite a bit and I have to share with you I got a little training myself years ago…
Suzanne Maiden: Oh!
Dr. Dave: …but not in being a medium.
Suzanne Maiden: Okay.
Dr. Dave: But go on ahead.
Suzanne Maiden: Well, so it was a week intensive of this kind of training and that’s when it’s as if a portal blew open in me and I had spirits all around me, all the time. It was a blast! It’s like having a new super power, or a new toy. I was so excited that I had started having these experiences and James Van Praagh, at first, was not amused with me. I went running up to him and I said “James, I’m so excited I’ve had spirits coming to me” and he crossed his arms, he said, “Hm, hmm.” He was not too interested in my story. He believed my story, he said “You need to control your experiences. You cannot go out in the world and be one big antenna for spirit. Because you have to live in this world.”
Dr. Dave: Yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: And he said, “You have to learn how to shut it down.”
Dr. Dave: Yeah, it could be very confusing otherwise I would think.
Suzanne Maiden: Well, yes David and the reason it can be confusing is because I have learned now that not only am I psychic and have the ability to have clairsentient, clairinsistence, where you just absolutely know with a capital ‘K’ but I smell, I can taste and I hear spirit. I hear accents of people, I get names, I mean complete names, I don’t guess, I get it – I hear the name, spirit tells me.
Dr. Dave: Wow, just comes to you. Because you sent me – when you first approached me about us doing this topic – you sent me some examples of experiences like that where you gave people information and they were blown away.
Suzanne Maiden: Well complete strangers by the way and I think it’s almost as if I had to have these experiences for complete strangers first, before I would even believe them. I mean, I would have these experiences and I thought, “What on earth just happened here? I can’t even believe it.” Because my left brain really wanted to kick in, with my own training as a clinician, so I couldn’t believe it.
Dr. Dave: Yeah. I can understand that struggle. Now earlier you mentioned the whole issue of dishonest mediums – how can one tell whether a medium is credible or honest? Or dishonest?
Suzanne Maiden: Gosh, David, yeah that’s really, really important. I really like the work of a woman called Janet Nohavec, I hope I’m saying her name correctly but she really brought the words of an evidential medium and she holds herself out there and James Van Praagh did as well, so I was trained that you must, must, provide four pieces of key evidence to the person you’re reading for before you ever deliver the message. Because they won’t believe the message until you set up the evidence as a medium and boy, is that hard work.
Dr. Dave: Yeah, I think most people would think it’s impossible.
Suzanne Maiden: It’s not impossible but it is hard work and so you mustn’t be a lazy medium So James would say, James Van Praagh would say, listen people you know many of you are psychic, we’ve got that but a medium – it takes a much higher skill set to deliver evidence and four pieces. You can’t be… none of the fluffy stuff like, “Oh, I see an old woman with grey hair here. Gee it must be your grandmother.” Ridiculous! No way, that’s a very lazy medium. So that’s one way, is to ask…you know if you go into this world you are entitled to ask, if you pay for services certainly, you know, “Do you provide evidence and how do you do that?”
Dr. Dave: Hm hmm.
Suzanne Maiden: Really important.
Dr. Dave: Well that’s a good tip for anybody who’s tempted to go out because I see sort of gypsy – I assume they’re gypsy – fortune tellers in and about the neighbourhoods that I go to.
Suzanne Maiden: Yes. What kind of neighbourhoods do you go to David? (both laugh) Now this is more interesting.
Dr. Dave: Local ones.
Suzanne Maiden: I’m being playful. You know I have a very naughty sense of humour.
Dr. Dave: Yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: Yeah, so please help me. Keep me on track in which way we should go, by the way.
Dr. Dave: Well were you ever afraid of spirits? I remember after my mother died and we ended up going to Disneyland shortly thereafter, my sister and I and it was so painful going through the haunted house because it just seemed silly to have these skeletons jumping out and so on and it just put me in touch with what a weird relationship we have with death and with the idea of spirits who are gonna harm us.
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, gosh, so that’s such an important question because no, to be afraid of spirits? Good heavens, no, you should be much more afraid of the living. (both laugh)
Dr. Dave: There’s a lot of evidence for that!
Suzanne Maiden: Right, I mean, you know, no, they only come to us in love. But I also do my preliminary groundwork before I open up that channel, so I only allow things that would be of the highest vibrations and of love, to come through to me. Except for when I do readings for strangers, which happens a good bit of the time, yes but no, spirits are only here to help us, to love us, to let us know that they’re okay, that they’re happy, that they’re around us all the time, David. That’s the big shockaroonie – they’re around us all the time and all we have to do is ask, by the way, is ask. Is ask for signs, is ask for their help, they are not allowed to interfere in our lives unless we ask. So it’s like a coach. Think of it like a coach in like a sports… in a game, maybe let’s just say in a soccer game. The coach can stand on the sidelines and give you ideas on what your strategies are but they cannot play the game for you and so it is with spirit, or spirit guides. They can help us and intervene only if we ask and they still can’t do it for us but they certainly can help us.
Dr. Dave: You know one thing that I struggle with, why would they be hanging around if there is if the soul goes on into across the veil, wouldn’t there be some more interesting, more compelling things to do on the other side.
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, absolutely! And so now we’re getting into the discussion of there’s no such thing as time, right? So, must of us were brought up to think in a linear fashion about time, so you know, spirit can bilocate. So they can be in many places at the same time. So, yes, to answer your question, it’s my humble understanding – again, I’m no expert in this – only through my training and reading, I’m a real beginner in this, okay? But I have done study my whole life, I will say that but it’s my humble understanding that spirit, it’s part of their work for our lived ones to reach back and to be of service to us. Right, think of, I know you are a father…
Dr. Dave: Yes.
Suzanne Maiden: …and a husband and if you transitioned before one of your children and you saw their grief, wouldn’t you do anything to reach back to ease their pain and suffering?
Dr. Dave:. Sure.
Suzanne Maiden: Right? I mean you would be so eager to say “Oh, honey, no, no, no, I’m right here, please. I’m good, I’m right here.”
Dr. Dave: Uh, huh. Uh, huh. What’s the most common message that spirit delivers?
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, I’m here and I love you and no shame or guilt over what transpired between us. Don’t hang on. Any regrets you have, let it go.
Dr. Dave: Yeah, we all have, you know we know from Freud and on, that there’s always an element of ambivalence in a relationship.
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, gosh, yes and we always have the shadow we’re dealing with in our own behaviour and our own thoughts, right? I mean, really, isn’t it true that we have love-hate relationships with probably everyone?
Dr. Dave: Yeah, I think so.
Suzanne Maiden: Right? Right and the stronger we love the stronger the shadow component is there.
Suzanne Maiden: Is there an experience that you’ve had with spirit that sort of stands out as your favourite one?
Suzanne Maiden: Ooh, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. (both laugh) Dr. Dave I’ve had to start writing… yes, the answer to that is yes, yes and yes. I’ve had to start writing down my experiences but I’d like to share one of my favourite experiences – by the way I have dozens and dozens and dozens now of experiences – but I’d like to share…
Dr. Dave: I can feel a book coming on.
Suzanne Maiden: (laughs)…perhaps but I’m so humbled when I read my favourite books. I’m so humbled because boy, there are really great mediums out there who have so much more information and experiences than I do but I’m catching up, I must say, I’m catching up. But one of my most favourite experiences happened several months ago. I was in the middle of chemo – now do you know Dr. Dave, you know
from being on my Facebook page, that I was diagnosed and then I immediately started treatment. They had to go after the most aggressive life-threatening tumours and so I immediately, I think I had three surgeries in two weeks. I had laser oblation on my liver, I had six months of two different types of chemotherapy…
Dr. Dave: Oh, boy,
Suzanne Maiden: …I’ve had six weeks of radiation to my tumour adrenal gland, so it’s really been aggressive and back-to-back. Actually I’m currently on the drug, the injectable Interferon, well the old name is Interferon and now it’s called Intron. I just had an injection last night and woke up at three in the morning with ‘flu like symptoms, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it’s been a damn big battle – big.
So, while I was doing chemo, I had some funky stuff going on with my breathing. They had to rule out cardiac impairment, which is a possible side effect of one of the chemos. I was immediately sent to a cardiologist at a very well known hospital. I’ll call him Dr. Lee. By the way I change names, I do not change any of the circumstances, okay? So just to put that out there. So, I go to Dr. Lee – I’ve never met this man before – my husband, Robin is with me. Robin’s just gotten home from an international flight, so, I’m waiting, waiting and I’m lying down on the table and Robin, my husband, is behind me in a chair and by this time he’s snoring (both laugh) – he’s fallen asleep.
Dr. Dave: I can relate to that.
Suzanne Maiden: Yes and he’s snoring so it’s really quite humorous. So I’m anxious and so I have not had anything stronger than Tylenol, nothing mood altering, okay? So I’m on the table and meditating to calm my anxiety and all of a sudden Dr. Lee’s spirit comes to me and it’s a man, it’s an older gentleman and he tells me, “The man you are about to see is my grandson and I want you to tell him how proud I am of him.” And I thought, “oh, boy, here we go” and I’m like “Well you know the rules, if you want me to talk, you have to give me four pieces of good evidence, or I’m not talking.” Because I will not risk looking foolish putting myself out there, you know and somebody thinking, “Okay, this woman is crazy.” So he proceeded to tell me that he had been born and raised in a country that was an Eastern European country and I was trying to listen and I didn’t understand which country specifically it was and he gave his name to me but my lips could not make the sound of his name. I got his name but it was too complicated for my tongue but I got it, I got it approximately and it was very complicated, right?
Dr. Dave: Yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: So and then he flashed – so spirit when it comes to me – spirit I can hear and again they show me like in a slide show type of fashion, so he was showing me that he did intricate work with metal and at first I said to him “Were you a watch repairman” and he said “No” and he flashed on a sewing machine. And I said “Oh, you did some type of work on a sewing machine?” He said “Yes.” And then he went back to his name again and I was trying to make sense, I said, “Well your name that you’re giving to me sounds very different than Dr. Lee’s name but you’re telling me you are the paternal grandfather. ” He said, “That is correct. It will make sense after you tell him. The data will make sense.” I said “okay” and I also got that this man was a very compassionate man and then he showed me a picture of himself – his image of when he was last alive and he was kind of cute. He was a very short man, balding, with big kind of ears, you know, so I got a kick out of that, that he showed that to me. So here Dr. Lee comes in, he gives me all my medical data, “You’re so healthy, etcetera, etcetera.” So, here I am – my husband’s awake at this point – and I said, “I have a question to ask you and it has nothing to do with my heart.” And he said “Of course.” And I said, “Do you have a paternal grandfather who immigrated to this country?” “Yes.” I said “Well, he’s here” and he just looked at me and then I said, “And your name is different but I don’t understand that because this is a paternal grandfather.” And he did, Dr. Dave. What everyone does when truth resonates with them, in this circumstance and it’s what I’ve come to understand as the ‘step back.’ He took the proverbial step back to distance himself from me physically because he thought “My God, what is happening here?” And then he looked over at my husband as if to say, “Does your wife have some kind of psychotic disorder, is there some…?” You know, really he did.
Dr. Dave: Yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: And Robin, my husband responded and said, “You may want to listen. My wife has a gift, a very unusual gift.” And so he got teary eyed. So I presented all the evidence and I said “I don’t understand but he showed me a sewing machine, your grandfather and Dr. Lee said “My God, my grandfather immigrated to this country and his name was changed in Staten Island because they said…” and he gave his name and it was like a Russian Jewish name and he said “They said your name’s too difficult, we’re changing it to Lee.” And he said “So my grandfather got a job working in a sweat shop as a seamstress in New York.” So that’s why he showed me metal and he was doing intricate work. He was a seamstress. But he was very compassionate because this cardiologist went on to tell me that his grandfather would take the leftover fabric from the sweatshop and make the children in New York City who were homeless and they didn’t have winter coats, he would sew coats for them. Isn’t that beautiful?
Dr. Dave: Yeah, yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: So at the end of this delivery, this cardiologist got teary eyed and he took both of my hands and he bowed and he kissed my hand and he said “Mrs Maiden, in all my years I have never have had any experience like this and you have given me such a gift. I can’t believe it.” So it was really beautiful and it demonstrated Dr. Dave, the importance of this work that we can open the portal and we can cross the veil as mediums and deliver a sacred message to people who hurt.
Dr. Dave: Well, I would think that anybody who has this experience of either being a medium or receiving a mediumistic message that has those kinds of verifications that you’re talking about, would have a lot less of the afterlife.
Suzanne Maiden: Yes and I don’t know if that’s part of my message that I am supposed to understand that, “Suzanne, there’s no such thing as death, so don’t fear. We’ve got this and we’ve given you such beautiful evidence for complete strangers.” So you know, Dr. Dave, the jury is still out for me as to whether the cancer and what I am dealing with will be the way in which I make my own transition. I don’t know and people say, yes but we’re all going to die. Yes, of course but it’s really in my face right now.
Dr. Dave: Yes.
Suzanne Maiden: You know, right? They throw a treatment at me and then we wait ninety days and then we rescan and reassess and see how the tumours are responding and in the interim I am having the most profound, sacred experiences and I have somehow been permitted to touch the hem of the spirit world.
Dr. Dave: It sounds like the perfect thing at the perfect time.
Suzanne Maiden: Hmm. Yes, so when you hear me share this experience how are we doing with chinking your armour. (both laugh) How many chinks do you have now?
Dr. Dave: It does chink it. It does open it, definitely opens it more, yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: Does it? Can you hear the sincerity in my voice? I guess that’s what I really want people to know is I would have no reason – well that would be a really karmic naughty no, no to be fabricating this, especially when I’ve got one foot, you know, on the other side.
Dr. Dave: Yeah. No, I cannot imagine you’re fabricating it or making it up etcetera. Do you see yourself charging for this work, or not?
Suzanne Maiden: You know, I don’t know. I think there does need to be some energetic exchange but you know to date I have never taken one penny for my work, even when somebody has asked me to do a reading for them and it hasn’t been a stranger. I’ve never taken any money, so I don’t know where I go from here.
Dr. Dave: Do you feel like it… I don’t know if you’ve been able to do your work as a therapist through all that you’ve been through?
Suzanne Maiden: I have, yes, I have.
Dr. Dave: That’s wonderful.
Suzanne Maiden: It is wonderful.
Dr. Dave: And to what extent does it come into that work? Do you ever call upon spirit, or do spirits spontaneously appear?
Suzanne Maiden: It’s very funny, actually it’s quite humorous. I have spirits spontaneously appear but you know as a licenced therapist I really have to keep the mediumship work separate than what my licensure allows, so of course I’m very, very judicious in the way I would share with any patient, depending on their diagnosis and what my understanding of their belief system is but you know by the way, Jung – C.G. Jung – was the one who really introduced the concept of we must know the lens in which the patient looks through life because it influences and colours everything. So on the first session when I’m taking a thorough history, I always ask the patient of what their belief system is, if any, by the way. Because it really shapes how they perceive their experiences. So, yes, I’ve had spirits spontaneously come to me and it is absolutely hysterical. I just had it happen with a patient recently who lost her husband and he shows up every session with her and he sits right next to her on the couch and he is quite the chatter box and I’ve had to say to him – I’ll call him Bob, that’s not his real name – but I’ll say “Bob, I cannot listen to your wife” who’s on the couch crying and he’s chatting, he’s chatting it up in my ear.
Dr. Dave: Huh.
Suzanne Maiden: It is hysterical. He says, “Well tell her, tell her, tell her, tell her this.” So finally, recently, my whole office filled up with pipe tobacco – the scent of pipe tobacco. And I thought, “Oh, my God, is somebody smoking at Serenity House? I thought, “Is somebody smoking in here?” Because at that moment, David, I was not able to discern whether that pipe tobacco scent – it was very nice by the way, very pleasant – I couldn’t have told you whether that was in spirit world, or if that was just limited to literally one of my senses, right? I could not have told you. So at the end of the session I looked at my patient and I said – again I’ll call her Mary, not her real name –and I said, “Can you smell anything?” And she said “No.” And I said, “I’m just curious, did your husband ever smoke?” And she thought I was going in the direction that that had something to do with his cancer and she said “No, no, no, no.” And she said, “Well yes he did, early on in our marriage he used to smoke a pipe with cherry tobacco.”
Dr. Dave: Oh, boy, I remember Middleton’s Cherry Blend
Suzanne Maiden: Are you serious? Is that what it is?
Dr. Dave: Probably. As a freshman in college I tried to take up pipe smoking because I thought it looked so intellectual and it would make me a perfect beatnik, you know.
Suzanne Maiden: You don’t need such props.
Dr. Dave: Well, I tell you I hated it. It does not taste like it smells.
Suzanne Maiden: Well it smells just divine, pardon the pun but it smells divine and my office was filled with this but David, here’s the really funny part: so not only did she confirm it he also gave me key pieces of evidence that there’s no way I could have know but that’s not the juiciest part of the story. The juiciest part is that after we ended that session with that patient I had one more patient scheduled after her so I bring in a mother and a thirteen year old daughter and the girl is really ADHD and really squirming, has difficulty focussing and her meds aren’t quite right yet, so the thirteen year old – and she’s impulsive and blurts – and she looks at me and goes “Miss Suzanne has anybody been smoking in here?” And I burst out laughing but before I could respond her mother, who’s also quite symptomatic for ADHD, said, “Honey, that’s ridiculous. Miss Suzanne would never let anybody smoke in here.” And I just looked at this little girl and I thought “Oh, my gosh, this little girl has some ability.” Because in this world – space-time dimension – there was no evidence of smoke but she smelled it.
Dr. Dave: Yeah. Do you think that spirits ever send us signs? I mean that could’ve been a sign of something, I don’t know what but…
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, all the time, we just have to open our eyes and pay attention. And whenever we ask, “Oh, could that have been from my mother?” The answer is yes. So common, common signs are coins in unusual places – when you find coins – or if you see something like serial numbers, like 1111; numbers that would have been significant to your loved one – their favourite number. A song comes on the radio. One of my favourite signs is when I walk and I find feathers but very particularly beautiful feathers. Yes, all the time; blinking lights is another common way; feeling something brushing the back of your neck and there’s nothing there. Those are very common signs.
Dr. Dave: Uh, huh. Now I’m assuming that you’ve told the psychiatrist that you share the practice with about this?
Suzanne Maiden: So you mean I’ve told the boss in the practice? Yes, I have and he believes – number one, he’s Indian, Indian American and a Hindu – so this phenomenon would not be foreign to him. He comes from a culture who very much believes. By the way you know I’ve also had extensive training, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with Brian Weiss?
Dr. Dave: I’m not.
Suzanne Maiden: Okay, so he’s written probably a dozen books. He just has another bestseller out there called Miracles Happen – very well known psychiatrist, trained at, I think at Yale. He was the chief psychiatrist at Mount Sinai and he runs classes at Omega – workshops – in hypnosis and past life regression with patients.
Dr. Dave: Okay.
Suzanne Maiden: So I’ve also trained with him and his work is amazing. And Gary Schwarz is a huge name and he’s a scientist that’s really tried to give this field credibility and done so much research. So am I answering your question David? I might be going all over the place me so break me in, honey. (both laugh)
Dr. Dave: I think you were.
Suzanne Maiden: Harness me.
Dr. Dave: Well, related to that – is it something you can turn off at will?
Suzanne Maiden: Well I’m learning how to turn it off and quite frankly I’m not very good at turning it off but that is because at times I don’t want to ‘cause it’s like having a new toy you don’t want to put away.
Dr. Dave: Yeah, yeah.
Suzanne Maiden: But that’s a no, no. I do though, I’ve had to learn to kind of put up kind of the ‘Open’ sign and the hours of operation.
Dr. Dave: Uh, huh. Have you tried to summon any famous people from the past for example, C.G. Jung or Abraham Lincoln?
Suzanne Maiden: No, I don’t because the problem with that is who would be there to verify it? I would just think it’s my imagination, so I don’t think it’s impossible, I just haven’t kind of gone in that direction because I would think “Oh, that’s ridiculous. It’s your imagination.” But with complete strangers there’s no way I could know their story.
Dr. Dave: Okay. And how do you distinguish between your imagination, other than those evidential questions? Are there other ways to know?
Suzanne Maiden: It’s evidence, evidence, evidence and I do get physical symptoms where I get chill bumps. When I know I’m right on track, it can be a hot day and I… all of a sudden I’m completely… have chill bumps all over. So that’s now one of my signs that I know I’m on the right track.
Dr. Dave: Okay. Well, what an adventure.
Suzanne Maiden: Oh, thank you Dr. Dave and you know thank you for being brave enough to host a show that features this kind of phenomena because David, it’s so real. It’s realer than this world and it’s very beautiful by the way. So, thank you.
Dr. Dave: Well, you’re very welcome and Suzanne Maiden, I want to thank you for being my guest today on Shrink Rap Radio and for opening up the chink in my armour. (both laugh)
Suzanne Maiden: Thank you Dr. Dave, it’s my pleasure. Thank you so much for this opportunity to share my experience.
Wrap up:
Well, if you’ve been listening to Shrink Rap Radio for any length of time, you’ll know this interview is a bit off the beaten path for me but I know Suzanne to be a really solid individual and I wanted to provide her with this platform to share the experiences that have opened up to her in dealing with cancer for an extended period of time. Perhaps the opening of these exceptional channels is a defence mechanism the universe has given to selected individuals to help them deal with health and other sorts of challenges. I’d certainly like to think that my inner world would be there for me in a time of need and of course while spirits and other dimensional beings are not accepted within academic and scientific psychology, there are lots of people the world over and going way back in time who’ve reported these sorts of experiences. My own grandmother reported that Jesus appeared to her and spoke with her on two different occasions in her life and like Suzanne, she was a very accomplished and capable woman in her own domain.
I mentioned to Suzanne that there was one experience in my past with a psychic that left me pretty impressed. I’ve told this story in an earlier episode, as I recall. I hope you won’t mind me repeating myself. This story happened as part of a long chain of synchronicities. In fact you can hear the whole story on Shrink Rap Radio #308 and it’s titled My Long Run of Synchronicities. Someone had given me the card of a noted psychic and said he’d pay the fee if I would go and consult the psychic and tell them about my experience. I decided to test the psychic by asking her the whereabouts of my biological father, who at that time I didn’t know if he was living or dead. The psychic asked if he was Jewish because she said she was getting her Rabbi spirit guide. She told me that he had been to Israel and that he’d been living in a state that starts with the letter ‘L’ and that he would be open to seeing me and that I would find him within the year. She was pretty much right – yes, he was Jewish and had been to Israel. He had left California where he and my mother had their affair and he’d lived in Illinois, which doesn’t really start with the letter ‘L’ but it strongly starts with a strong ‘L’ sound – Lllinoise. And I think that’s how the unconscious works, you know, in dreams and so on. I did find him in about a year and without even searching at that time. Turns out he was living quite near me in Northern California, to which I had only recently moved and there were lots of connections between us which neither of us had been aware of. Really, you should listen to my account in Shrink Rap Radio #308. It’s pretty amazing if I do say so myself.
So having that set of experiences under my belt, who am I to say what is and what is not, possible. By the way my earlier interview with Suzanne was Shrink Rap Radio #22 Snake Dreams With the Maidens back in January of 2006 – one of my first interviews.
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