Shrink Rap Radio #478 22nd October, 2015 “Opening to Spirit Mediumship” Dr. David Van Nuys Ph.D., aka ‘Dr. Dave’ interviews Suzanne Maiden M.A. (Transcribed from by Gloria Oelman) Introduction: Today my return guest is Suzanne Maiden M.A., a licensed professional counsellor in private practice whose struggle with cancer has triggered a profound spiritual opening. […]
Dr. Dave Podcast Interview 22
Shrink Rap Radio #22, January 22, 2006. Snake Dreams with the Maidens David Van Nuys, aka Dr. Dave, interviews Robin and Suzanne Maiden (transcribed from by Dale Hoff) Introduction: Welcome back to Shrink Rap Radio, the planet’s premiere psychology podcast. This is your host, Dr. Dave, coming to you from the San Francisco Bay […]